We value being...

These are the 7 core values that are the heart of who we are and how we live with one another at Mt. Zion Church.

A Biblical Church

We will use the Bible as our textbook and foundation for preaching, teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness, so that disciples will not only know His Word, but do what it says.

A Great Commandment Church

We will love the Lord with all our hearts, souls, minds, and strength, and love our neighbors as ourselves by pursuing relationships with God and others.

A Great Commission Church

We will be witnesses to all people we encounter, teaching them through word and deed to obey the commands of Jesus Christ.

An Equipping Church

We will provide Bible-centered training to equip believers to do works of service and to share their faith in a confident and bold manner.

A Praying Church

We will pray to God individually and corporately, seeking His will in all situations with praise, thanksgiving, and petitions.

A Spirit Empowered Church

We will expect the Holy Spirit to give each believer gifts as He chooses to be used to bring unity to the Body of Christ.

A Serving Church

We will teach our congregants to give sacrificially of their time, money, and service to minister to both believers and non-believers.